It's time that I took another look at the goals/ activities statement from earlier so here goes:
I speak 韓国語. I also want to think I speak 中国語.
My next goal? To speak日本語.
This part has fortunately stayed the same.
In all seriousness, I am passionate about foreign languages and while writing is certainly a significant part of language learning as well, I believe speaking is the most integral component. And practice makes perfect.
As such, my current goals for the semester include doing the following:
-as intimidating as shadowing is I’ll try my best to keep practicing every week, esp. on the weekends
I've done anime shadowing/ tongue twisters for most PE assignments so far and I practiced a fair amount for those, but I don't think I've been putting in a lot of extra time on my own. Realistically I can try to put in an hour or two every weekend.
-office hours w/ しばたせんせい先生every other week?
I have been to office hours... only once!
I'll try to visit more in the future though.
-try to make it to Japanese table once in a while. I have many commitments around dinner time so I’m not sure how realistic this is, but I will be there sometime J
I've been to Japanese table!!! It looks like many job info sessions are right around dinner time, so I won't be able to make it too often :(