Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Oh, Japanese.

Hello hello hello.

I speak 韓国語. I also want to think I speak 中国語.
My next goal? To speak日本語.

In all seriousness, I am passionate about foreign languages and while writing is certainly a significant part of language learning as well, I believe speaking is the most integral component. And practice makes perfect.

As such, my current goals for the semester include doing the following:
-as intimidating as shadowing is I’ll try my best to keep practicing every week, esp. on the weekends
-office hours w/ しばたせんせいevery other week?
-try to make it to Japanese table once in a while. I have many commitments around dinner time so I’m not sure how realistic this is, but I will be there sometime J

Thanks for reading.


shameless plug for Princeton Women in Business

Bloggers (I'm looking at you, JPN日本語101 peers) please come out to PWiB's fashion event this Thursday!!! That's THIS THURSDAY 10月1日
There will be jewelry, business opportunities, and also... there will be me. so yeah.

You can RSVP for the event here. 
Visit PWiB online!

Monday, September 28, 2015

~self-intro update~


Thursday, September 17, 2015

かんこく에서 태어난 유진이에요. 
にほんご 처음 배우는데 열심히 하겠습니다 :)

제가 한국인이고, 또 중국어를 배우고 있어서 일본어에도 자연히 관심이 생겼어요.
아직까지 수업을 여러번 하진 않아서 부족한 점이 있는지는 잘 모르겠네요. 어려운 점이 있다면 단어들이 아직 낯설다는 것?

사진은 우리 집 강아지에요. 이쁘죠!

Hello :)